Persian Gulf
Anniversary of Portuguese withdrawal from Persian Gulf
was labeled as the
"national day of Persian Gulf” on Iranian calendar.
Tehran, 16 July, 2005 (CHN)
Tehran, 16 July, 2005 (CHN)
Anniversary of Portuguese withdrawal from Persian Gulf was labeled as “the national day of Persian Gulf” by the supreme council of Cultural Revolution of Iran.
In Tuesday night session of the council which was presided by Mohammad Khatami, it was decided to call the anniversary of Portuguese withdrawal from Persian Gulf, which is September 29th, the national day of “Persian Gulf” to counter the attempts of some international institutes and Arabian countries to alter the name of “Persian Gulf”.
Portuguese navy invaded Iran through Persian Gulf in early 16th century and occupied the southern part of the country. During their colonial period in south of Iran, they left several monuments in the region which bear the characteristics of Portuguese architecture. The remains of Portuguese castle which is contemporary to Safavid dynasty and is an example of such architecture is still standing in Qeshm Island, south of Iran.
Same news in Persian:
سالروز اخراج پرتغالي ها از تنگه هرمز روز ملي خليج فارس
جزيره هرمز - قلعه پرتغالي ها
در جلسه شب گذشته اين شورا كه به رياست حجتالاسلاموالمسلمين سيدمحمدخاتمي تشكيل شد؛ شوراي عالي انقلاب فرهنگي با توجه به هدف قرار دادن هويت فرهنگي و تاريخي ملت ايران از سوي ايادي استكبار جهاني بخصوص برخي از كشورهاي همسايه و تلاش آنان جهت تحريم نام تاريخي خليج فارس، به پيشنهاد شوراي فرهنگ عمومي روز اخراج پرتغاليها از تنگه هرمز را به عنوان روز ملي خليج فارس نامگذاري كرد.
روز ملي خليج فارس
به تقويم ايران اضافه شد
در جلسه شب گذشته اين شورا كه به رياست حجتالاسلاموالمسلمين سيدمحمدخاتمي تشكيل شد؛ شوراي عالي انقلاب فرهنگي با توجه به هدف قرار دادن هويت فرهنگي و تاريخي ملت ايران از سوي ايادي استكبار جهاني بخصوص برخي از كشورهاي همسايه و تلاش آنان جهت تحريم نام تاريخي خليج فارس، به پيشنهاد شوراي فرهنگ عمومي روز اخراج پرتغاليها از تنگه هرمز را به عنوان روز ملي خليج فارس نامگذاري كرد.
i dont think that children thing is right!
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